For the crowd.

Time: 2019-01-21 10:51:28

Generally edible

1、 suitable for poor nutrition, loss of appetite, cough people eat; Suitable for patients with beriberi; Suitable for women who lack postpartum milk; Suitable for people with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and various hemorrhagic diseases; Suitable for children, adolescents and the elderly, can improve the memory of children, help the elderly nourishing health care.

2、 peanuts contain more grease, digestion needs more bile, so bile patients should not be eaten; Peanuts can increase blood coagulation and promote thrombosis, so people suffering from high blood viscosity or thrombus should not eat; The body is cold and hygrotic and the bowel is slippery and leakage is not suitable for feeding; Internal heat is not suitable for consumption, because of peanut dryness, can make stomatitis, hypophysis, herpes, nosebleeds, etc. worse, long-term healing; The bruises are not suitable for consumption, because there is a clotting factor in peanuts, which can make blood silt not disperse and aggravate bruising.

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