The efficacy and function of peanuts

Time: 2023-11-11 09:14:52

Peanuts, also known as evergreen fruits, are a highly nutritious and healthy food ingredient. They can be fried, boiled, fried, or used to extract peanut oil. They can provide rich nutrition for the human body and prevent various diseases. However, peanuts also have various taboos when consumed. If you want to learn more, you can go and take a look with me.

The efficacy and function of peanuts

1. Preventing arteriosclerosis

People usually eat more peanuts, which can absorb rich linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which are unsaturated fatty acids. They can accelerate the decomposition and metabolism of fatty acids in the human body, inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the human body, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, reduce the blood viscosity, and prevent atherosclerosis in humans.

2. Delaying aging

Peanuts are also a healthy ingredient that can delay aging and improve the body's ability to resist aging. This ingredient is rich in vitamin A and vitamin B, as well as a certain amount of vitamin E, lecithin, and protein. After these substances are absorbed by the body, they can improve the body's ability to resist aging, and slowing down the rate of aging can help the body maintain a youthful and healthy state.

3. Improve memory

People eat more peanuts, which can absorb rich amino acids. These amino acids not only promote human development, but also nourish brain nerves and promote brain cell regeneration. They can improve memory and enhance brain function. Persistent use can prevent brain dysfunction, prevent Alzheimer's disease, and alleviate brain fatigue in humans.

Taboos of Peanuts

Although peanuts are good, there are many taboos when consuming them. The important thing is that those with oily skin and frequent acne in daily life should not eat peanuts because peanuts are a highly greasy ingredient. Eating peanuts can increase the secretion of oil and pose a threat to skin health. The peanuts contain a large amount of fat and protein, and excessive use can increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and cause indigestion. Therefore, excessive consumption of peanuts is contraindicated.


Name: Peanuts, Fanguo, Nanjing beans, groundnut, and ginseng.

Habitat distribution: Annual herbs. Cultivated in various regions, it is a commonly consumed staple food and oil crop. The root has many nodules. Stems prostrate or erect, with even pinnate compound leaves alternating, oblong to obovate, entire. The flower is yellow and grows in the leaf axil, with a butterfly shaped corolla. The pods are oval shaped and grow underground. Harvest fruits in autumn and sun dry the branches and leaves for later use.

Cultivated throughout the country.

Sexual Taste: Sweet and flat. Branches and leaves: sweet, astringent, flat. Shell: light, astringent, flat oil, light and flat. Clothing: slightly bitter and astringent.

Functional Indications: Runs the lungs and soothes the stomach. Peace of mind and peace of mind. Curb the lungs to stop coughing. Moisturizing and unobstructed bowel movements. Stop bleeding, dissipate blood stasis and reduce swelling. Used for treatment of thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia hypertension, ascarial intestinal obstruction, dry cough, gastroduodenal ulcer, poor gastric motility, and constipation.

Min Fang 1: Thrombocytopenic purpura and hemophilia.

Prescription composition: 50 grams of peanuts, 30 grams of dates, and 10 grams of sugar. Usage: First, stew the peanuts and dates until tender, and then add white sugar to mix.

Min Fang 2: Dry cough.

Prescription composition: 30 grams of peanuts, 30 grams of jujube, and 15 grams of sesame. Usage: Simmer with water and mix with a little honey. Take one dose daily for 3-5 days.

Min Fang 3: Hypertension.

Prescription composition: An appropriate amount of peanuts. Usage: Soak in vinegar for seven days, chew 7 capsules before going to bed every night.

People with gastric and duodenal ulcers, poor gastric absorption, and constipation in their bowel movements.

Prescription composition: 50 grams of peanuts, 250 milliliters of fresh milk, and 30 milliliters of refined honey. Usage: Soak the peanuts in water for 30 minutes, mash them, add milk and cook for a few minutes, add honey, mix well, and take them at night before going to bed, once a day. They can be taken for a long time.

Min Fang 5: Ascaris lumbricoides intestinal obstruction.

Prescription composition: 80 milliliters of cooked peanut oil. Usage: Take orally. After 6 hours, there was no improvement, take another dose. Reduce the dosage for children.