Peanuts contain 50% fat, why is it actually good for blood vessels?

Time: 2023-11-11 09:19:26

The Han Dynasty's "San Fu Huang Tu" once referred to peanuts as "Qiansuizi". For thousands of years, they have not only been considered "longevity fruit" by Chinese people, but also a nut with high cost-effectiveness in the eyes of nutrition experts.

Why recommend eating peanuts that are half fat to protect blood vessels?

Interview with experts from Life Times (WeChat search for "LT0385" to follow) and remind 4 categories of people to avoid eating.

Interviewed experts

Qi Cuihua, Vice Chairman of Jinan Nutrition Society and Associate Professor of Food Science and Nutrition Department of Jinan University

Tang Molian, Clinical Nutritionist, Renji Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Eating peanuts regularly makes blood vessels healthier

Eating peanuts often can keep you healthy, and eating peanuts does not make you want to eat meat. "This proverb expresses the affirmation of the ancients about the benefits of peanuts.

From the perspective of modern nutrition, dissecting the nutrition of a peanut requires mentioning "fat", which is the highest content substance in peanuts, accounting for 49.4%.

In theory, with such a high fat content, the "three highs" population should eat less, but many people have heard the saying "peanuts protect blood vessels", which is mainly related to the following reasons:

High proportion of "good" fat

Although peanuts belong to high fat foods, their fatty acid composition is relatively reasonable, with unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid containing over 80%.

These components play a beneficial role in regulating blood lipids, promoting the formation of cholesterol esters and achieving normal lipid transport and metabolism.

Fatty acid "division of labor" cooperation

Compared to single fatty acids, a reasonable ratio of multiple unsaturated fatty acids is more friendly for blood lipid regulation.

Bioactive ingredients' transport 'fats

Peanuts contain the bioactive ingredient lecithin, which is a component of biofilms and an important component of lipoproteins. It can promote the rational transport and metabolism of fat and cholesterol like a small boat, preventing excessive cholesterol and fat deposition on blood vessel walls.

In addition, the dietary fiber, choline, B vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc. contained in peanuts are beneficial for protecting blood vessels.

Three advantages of this' longevity fruit '

Due to the nutritional similarity between peanuts and nuts, they are classified into the nut group. In terms of health benefits, peanuts excel in various components.


High digestion and utilization rate

The protein content of peanuts is also not low, ranging from 25% to 30%, with over 90% of peanut protein being globulin, containing 18 amino acids, including 8 essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the human body.

Compared with other plant proteins, peanut protein has a high digestibility, with a digestibility coefficient of up to 90%, and is easily absorbed and utilized by the human body. Among them, the effective utilization rate of lysine is as high as 98.96%, which is 20% higher than that of soybeans.

Compared to other nuts, peanuts have a protein content second only to pumpkin and watermelon seeds.

dietary fiber

Outstanding content

Peanuts are also listed in the high dietary fiber food family, with a content of up to 8.5%.

In addition, peanuts also contain certain nutrients such as carbohydrates and vitamins, with vitamin E being the most prominent and helpful in antioxidant activity.

Phenolic substances

Assisting in lowering blood lipids

The nutrition of peanut coat cannot be ignored, as it contains polyphenols such as anthocyanins, catechins, flavonoids, resveratrol, anthocyanins, etc., which can help lower blood lipids.

Peanut coating is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia, and other diseases, with good therapeutic effects.

In terms of specific eating methods, it is suitable for different populations:

Eating raw is more nutritious: Heating peanuts will lose some of their vitamins, while eating them cooked will to some extent reduce their nutritional value; Eating peanuts raw is suitable for people with anemia or coagulation problems.

Cooking helps digestion: After steaming peanuts, they are suitable for people with weak gastrointestinal functions to eat. Flowers have a high moisture content and are suitable for cooking and eating.

Good taste of beating: After beating peanuts, the taste is smooth and can be made into peanut dew, peanut paste, etc., suitable for people with chewing disorders.

4 types of people should try to eat less peanuts

Now is the season for peanuts to be widely available, although they are nutritious, some special populations have dietary taboos.


Patients with gastrointestinal diseases

Peanuts contain a large amount of protein, and excessive digestion of protein can increase the burden on the intestines. Patients with indigestion should eat less.

Raw peanuts contain a large amount of anti nutritional substances and have a smooth effect on the intestines after entering the stomach. Eating more peanuts can easily lead to diarrhea. Some stomach acid patients use eating raw peanuts to alleviate stomach discomfort, and should control the amount to less than half a handful.


Patients with liver and gallbladder diseases

High protein and high fat foods have a strong stimulation on the gallbladder, promoting a large secretion of bile and aiding digestion and absorption.

Eating too much peanuts in patients with liver and gallbladder diseases can add a burden to the liver and gallbladder, and even worsen the condition. When these people eat peanuts, it is best to choose steaming and cooking methods, avoid frying or frying, and consume a small amount multiple times.


People with excessive skin oil secretion

Peanuts contain a large amount of fat, and excessive intake can promote the secretion of more oil from skin follicles. Some peanut snacks with flavors such as chili and sugar can also make the skin more susceptible to allergies.

People with oily skin should not eat too much peanuts.


Thrombotic population

Peanuts have a hemostatic effect and can enhance blood coagulation. People with high blood viscosity or blood clots should eat less.

In addition, multi flavored peanuts, purple potato peanuts, fried peanuts, etc., after repeated frying or baking, the fat content further increases. People with high blood lipids are best to avoid eating them.

Good peanuts have plump granules, a tight outer layer, shiny kernels, and a faint aroma. After tasting, the taste is mellow and fragrant; Mouldy ones have a "hara taste", bitter and pungent, do not consume them.

In addition, peanuts are prone to contamination by Aspergillus flavus, which produces highly carcinogenic aflatoxin. Especially for peanuts that are yellowing, sprouting, and moldy, the possibility of retaining aflatoxin is high.

It should be noted that the Chinese Nutrition Society recommends a daily limit of less than 10 grams, which is equivalent to half a handful of peanuts (10-12 grains) and should not be excessive.